You can help Guitars Not Guns expand to reach even more deserving children. Any financial contribution (tax-deductible) is very much appreciated and greatly needed. For a donation of $100, we'll dedicate a beginner guitar in memory of Allen's Gift of music to GNG and your name or company name as the donor. Consider the following:
Our program is about helping foster children and at-risk youth in Maryland. Guitars Not Guns has no paid employees--we're all volunteers. Virtually every dollar of your donation goes towards running the program - not paying salaries.
Sponsorship levels:
Allen’s Rock-N-Roll Sponsorship: $1,500, provides 15 Children with 15 acoustic guitars, 15 straps, 15 tuners, and 15 guitar bags.
Allen’s Peace and Harmony Sponsorship: $1,000, provides 10 Children with 10 acoustic guitars, 10 straps, 10 tuners, and 10 guitar bags.
Allen’s Rhythm and Blues Sponsorship: $500, provides 5 Children with 5 acoustic guitars, 5 straps, 5 tuners, and 5 guitar bags.
Allen’s Chords of Support: donations of any denomination are appreciated and will go a long way to benefiting the children of this program.
As a sponsor your name, organization or company and logo will be mentioned and on this Sponsorship page and on the Facebook page for this chapter. Together with your donation we can create a harmonious future for the children in our communities.
Or you can send check or money order to:
Guitars Not Guns - Allen’s Gift of Music, Mailing address: 36 Stratton Circle, Elkton, Maryland 21921. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at;